
সাম্প্রতিক লেখা

ভয়েস পরিবর্তন

Active and Passive voice


Active Voice:– She is going to deliver the letters.

Passive Voice:– The letters are going to be delivered.

Active Voice:– I’m going to make a cake.

Passive Voice:– A cake is going to be made.

Active Voice:– She will deliver the letters.

Passive Voice:– The letters will be delivered.

Active Voice:– I have made a cake.

Passive Voice:– A cake has been made.

Active Voice:– Sapna helps the old lady.

Passive Voice:– The old lady was helped by Sapna.

Active Voice:– She must deliver the letters.

Passive Voice:– The letters must be delivered.

Active Voice:– She delivered the letters.

Passive Voice:– The letters were delivered.

Active Voice:– I was making a cake.

Passive Voice:– A cake was being made.

Active Voice:– Did you show me the dress?

Passive Voice:– Was I shown the dress by you?

Active Voice:– She has to deliver the letters.

Passive Voice:– The letters have to be delivered.

Active Voice:– They called off the meeting.

Passive Voice:– The meeting was called off.

Active Voice:– Sue changed the flat tire.

Passive Voice:– The flat tire was changed by Sue.

Active Voice:– They will send him away to school.

Passive Voice:– He will be sent away to school.

Active Voice:– He was writing a letter.

Passive Voice:–  A letter was being written by him.

Active Voice:– She had delivered the letters.

Passive Voice:– The letters had been delivered.

Active Voice:– I should have made a cake.

Passive Voice:– A cake should have been made.

Active Voice:– I was playing video games.

Passive Voice:– The video games were being played by me.

Active Voice:– The choir really enjoys that piece.

Passive Voice:– That piece is really enjoyed by the choir.

Active Voice:– I invited you to the party.

Passive Voice:– You were invited by me to the party.

Active Voice:– Tom painted the entire house.

Passive Voice:– The entire house was painted by Tom.

Active Voice:– She has delivered the letters.

Passive Voice:– The letters have been delivered.

Active Voice:– I must make a cake.

Passive Voice:– A cake must be made.

Active Voice:– I am eating breakfast.

Passive Voice:– The breakfast is being eaten by me.

Active Voice:– Mother is cooking lunch in the kitchen.

Passive Voice:– Lunch is being cooked in the kitchen.

Active Voice:– We will be watching the match.

Passive Voice:– The match will be being watched by us.

Active Voice:– I’m making a cake.

Passive Voice:– A cake is being made.

Active Voice:– The two kings are signing the treaty.

Passive Voice:– The treaty is being signed by the two kings.

Active Voice:– He will play the match.

Passive Voice:– The match will be played

Active Voice:– I make a cake.

Passive Voice:– A cake is made.

Active Voice:– He loves me.

Passive Voice:– I am loved by him.

Active Voice:– Michael is baking a brownie.

Passive Voice:–  A brownie is being baked by  Michael.

Active Voice:– Mark has tricked me.

Passive Voice:– I have been tricked by Mark

Active Voice:– I have played the game.

Passive Voice:– A game has been played by me.

Active Voice:– She was delivering the letters.

Passive Voice:– The letters were being delivered.

Active Voice:– I will make a cake.

Passive Voice:– A cake will be made.

Active Voice:– His grandmother looked after him.

Passive Voice:– He was looked after by his grandmother.

Active Voice:– She delivers the letters.

Passive Voice:– The letters are delivered.

Active Voice:– I made a cake.

Passive Voice:– A cake was made.

Active Voice:– She is delivering the letters.

Passive Voice:– The letters are being delivered.

Active Voice:– I had made a cake.

Passive Voice:– A cake had been made.

Active Voice:– I gave him a book for his birthday.

Passive Voice:– He was given a book for his birthday.

Active Voice:– Harry ate six shrimp at dinner.

Passive Voice:– At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by Harry.

Active Voice:– Tom painted the entire house.

Passive Voice:–  The entire house was painted by Tom.

Active Voice:– The mother is feeding the baby.

Passive Voice:– The baby is being fed by the mother.

Active Voice:– Mom read the novel in one day.

Passive Voice:– The novel was read by Mom in one day.

Active Voice:– I read an interesting novel.

Passive Voice:– An interesting novel is read.


Sagor Helal

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