
সাম্প্রতিক লেখা

Writing Applications

15 December

The Principal

Rangpur School & College, Rangpur.


Sub:    Application for ------------



I, on behalf of the student of your institution, beg to state that there is no–

1)    canteen

2)    enough facilities for indoor-game for a huge number of students

3)    enough library facilities

4)    English Daily paper for the college common room

5)    enough facilities for a common room

6)    multimedia system in the computer and internet class

7)    sound systems all in the classrooms

8)    enough facilities for using the internet

in our college.


1)    For this, the students have to go outside the campus to take Tiffin. But the outside shops are too dirty for health. It causes various problems. So, we are badly in need of a canteen on our college campus.

2)    This is why, when a few students play, a large number wait for their turn. So, we cannot enjoy our off period more indoor sports. Hence, we want more carom, chess, tennis, table tennis, badminton, and basketball as indoor games facilities in our college.

3)    We think that some books of general knowledge, some novels, some story books, and some books of poems should also be kept there and the furniture could be changed.

4)    Reading English newspaper is one of the best mediums for learning English which is very essential for every student. We will lag behind others unless we are provided with English which is not expected.

5)    Indoor sports are not only a source of pleasure and amusement but also a means to keep physically fit. Besides, It gives us skill, discipline, a sense of co-operation, team spirit and energy to work. Hence, we want more carom, chess, tennis, table tennis, badminton, and basketball as indoor games facilities in our college.

6)  The student has doubled during the last six years. Now, we badly need multimedia classrooms where computers, internet connection, and other components of the digital system will be available for solving the problems to gather knowledge.

.7)  As a result, we do not hear the lecture of our teachers properly. It hampers our education

8)    Present age is the age of science and technology. Students blessed with the facility of Wi-Fi, can enjoy Internet facilities free of cost and this will help them get any information they need in their educational process. The students at our college are suffering greatly for want of Wi-Fi on the campus.

May I, therefore,

1)    request you kindly consider the matter and to set up a canteen in the college campus at your earliest convenience.

2)    you would be kind enough to take the necessary steps to improve the facilities for indoor games and oblige thereby.

3)    pray and hope that you will take the necessary steps to improve the library facilities in our college library and oblige thereby.

4)    request and hope that you would be kind enough to provide an English daily in our common room and oblige thereby.

5)    pray and hope that you will take the necessary steps to improve the facilities in the common room and oblige thereby.

6)    request and hope that you would be kind enough to take the necessary steps to set up a multimedia classroom to enrich our knowledge and oblige thereby.

7)    pray and hope that you would be kind enough to arrange sound systems for our classrooms and strengthen our education.

8)    pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take the necessary steps to provide us with Wi-Fi on the college campus and oblige thereby.


I remain



You obediently





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