
সাম্প্রতিক লেখা

Assertive to Interrogative Sentences

Exercise 1 – Transformation of Assertive Sentences into Interrogative Sentences

Read through the following assertive sentences and transform them into interrogative sentences.

1. This isn’t my stop.

2. I reached home yesterday.

3. The computer was not working.

4. Harry was your best friend.

5. All the students have assembled in the exam hall.

6. Anu has never liked dark chocolate.

7. They have not been talking to each other.

8. It was a perfect idea.

9. Nobody was ready to start the presentation.

10. Your garden is full of flowering plants.


Now, check the answers to find out if you have transformed the sentences correctly.

1. Is this my stop?

2. Didn’t I reach home yesterday?

3. Was the computer working?

4. Wasn’t Harry your best friend?

5. Haven’t all the students assembled in the exam hall?

6. Has Anu ever liked dark chocolate?

7. Have they been talking to each other?

8. Wasn’t it a perfect idea?

9. Was anybody ready to start the presentation?

10. Isn’t your garden full of flowering plants?

Exercise 2 – Transformation of Interrogative Sentences into Assertive Sentences

Check out the following interrogative sentences and convert them into assertive sentences.

1. Weren’t Marley and you on the way to the railway station?

2. Do you have cell reception here?

3. Didn’t her aunt move to Spain?

4. Haven’t you been waiting here for quite some time?

5. Will she come to work today?

6. Didn’t mom like the bag you bought her?

7. Does this phone have the latest technology?

8. Is the college accredited?

9. Wasn’t Denis the boy who jumped over the fence yesterday?

10. Isn’t it sunny outside?


Here are the answers. Go through them and find out if you did the transformation correctly.

1. Marley and you were on the way to the railway station.

2. You do not have cell reception here.

3. Her aunt moved to Spain.

4. You have been waiting here for quite some time.

5. She will not come to work today.

6. Mom liked the bag you bought her.

7. This phone does not have the latest technology.

8. The college is not accredited.

9. Dennis was the boy who jumped over the fence yesterday.

10. It is sunny outside.

Exercise 3 – Transform the Sentences as Directed

Here are a few sentences, go through them and transform them as directed.

1. F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is the most watched TV series all over the world. (Change into an interrogative sentence)

2. Sindhu does everything spontaneously. (Change into an interrogative sentence)

3. Weren’t all the girls at a slumber party yesterday night? (Change into an assertive sentence)

4. Nobody likes bitter gourds. (Change into an interrogative sentence)

5. Hasn’t the school announced the dates for the exams? (Change into an assertive sentence)

6. Are there any restrictions? (Change into an assertive sentence)

7. Isn’t table no. 6 reserved for Mr. Sherlock? (Change into an assertive sentence)

8. They are visiting the second time. (Change into an interrogative sentence)

9. Won’t George and Asha be attending their daughter’s graduation ceremony? (Change into an assertive sentence)

10. Prathiksha thought it was a good idea. (Change into an interrogative sentence)


The answers for exercise 3 are given below. Go through them to find out if you have done the transformation right.

1. Isn’t F.R.I.E.N.D.S. the most watched TV series all over the world?

2. Doesn’t Sindhu do everything spontaneously?

3. All the girls were at the slumber party yesterday night.

4. Does anybody like bitter gourds?

5. The school has announced the dates for the exams.

6. There are no restrictions.

7. Table no. 6 is reserved for Mr. Sherlock.

8. Aren’t they visiting the second time?

9. George and Asha will be attending their daughter’s graduation ceremony.

10. Didn’t Prathiksha think it was a good idea?


Change Affirmative Sentences Into Interrogative Sentences

Change the following affirmative sentences into interrogative sentences.

1. She lives in Canada.

2. Meera writes plays for the television.

3. He has always wanted to be an inventor.

4. He teaches Sanskrit at a government school.

5. He wants to quit his job.

6. They launched their business last year.

7. He made a fortune when he sold his apparel business to a foreign company.

8. The mother reprimanded the boy for coming home late.

9. She put the books on the table.

10. Rahul met his ex-girlfriend at the party.

11. He borrowed 1000 dollars from his uncle.

12. Rohan broke another window yesterday.

13. The boy fed the cats.

14. He works at a multinational company.


1. Does she live in Canada?

2. Does Meera write plays for the television?

3. Has he always wanted to be an inventor?

4. Does he teach Sanskrit at a government school?

5. Does he want to quit his job?

6. Did they launch their business last year?

7. Did he make a fortune when he sold his apparel business to a foreign company?

8. Did the mother reprimand the boy for coming home late?

9. Did she put the books on the table?

10. Did Rahul meet his ex-girlfriend at the party?

11. Did he borrow 1000 dollars from his uncle?

12. Did Rohan break another window yesterday?

13. Did the boy feed the cats?

14. Does he work at a multinational company?

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